Washington College

Your own folder in the President’s papers


In many of the Presidents’ papers, there is typically a folder titled “Discipline”. Most of these folders contain varied infractions of co-ed parties or alcohol on campus so when the whole folder is about one student, you want to know more about them.

  • Alumni
  • Class of 1930
  • Archives

Student Activism at Washington College


With our location on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, it is easy to think of Washington College as a sleepy little liberal arts college content to prepare its students for the world beyond academia as the Chester River lazily ripples by.

  • Activism
  • Civil Rights
  • Archives

Outfit of the Day


Though a yearbook primarily functions as a memory book of past times and events by those who experienced them, to outsiders who lack sentimental attachments and baggage, a yearbook serves a different purpose altogether.

  • Pegasus yearbooks
  • Student life
  • Archives
Li-Yo Chan

National Home Front Project - Meet Lo-Yi Chan


The National Home Front Project is a major grassroots initiative under the leadership of historians at Washington College. Our innovative oral history program partners with individuals, communities, and organizations across the United States to record, preserve, and share audio interviews with civilians who experienced World War II.

  • Asian Americans
  • National Home Front Project
  • Starr Center
  • Upper West Side Seniors
  • World War II
  • Archives
Washington College

Welcome Freshman!


Things to bring to college, learning a new campus, and experiencing a new group of people are all things our incoming classmates are experiencing.

  • Freshman
  • Student experience
  • Archives
Washington College

Miller Library Under Construction


Fifty-three years ago this fall, students, staff, and faculty were welcomed back to campus to the sights and sounds of ongoing construction around the library- just like last week.

  • Clifton M. Miller Library
  • Construction
  • Archives
Washington College

Chestertown’s Revolutionary Tea Party


Once the degrees have been handed out most Washington College students return home to enjoy their summer before returning to school or embarking on their next adventure. But for those who stay in Chestertown, there is an event filled with history and fun for them to experience.

  • Chestertown Tea Party Festival
  • The American Revolution
  • Archives